
Resistors are passive electronic components that resist the flow of electric current. They are used to control the current and voltage in electronic circuits.

Types of Resistors

There are several types of resistors, including:

  • Fixed Resistors: Have a fixed resistance value.
  • Variable Resistors: Have an adjustable resistance value (e.g., potentiometers).
  • Thermistors: Change resistance with temperature.
  • Photoresistors: Change resistance with light intensity.

Ohm's Law

The resistance of a resistor is measured in ohms (Ω) and is defined by Ohm's Law:

V = I * R


  • V is the voltage (in volts)
  • I is the current (in amperes)
  • R is the resistance (in ohms)

Color Code

Resistors have color bands that indicate their resistance value. The color code is as follows:

Black: 0
Brown: 1
Red: 2
Orange: 3
Yellow: 4
Green: 5
Blue: 6
Violet: 7
Gray: 8
White: 9

Applications of Resistors

Resistors are used in various applications, including:

  • Current Limiting: Controlling the current flow in a circuit.
  • Voltage Division: Dividing the voltage in a circuit.
  • Biasing: Setting the operating point of active devices.
  • Pull-up/Pull-down: Ensuring a known state for digital inputs.

Example Circuit

Here is an example of a simple voltage divider circuit:

- Resistor R1 (1k ohm)
- Resistor R2 (2k ohm)
- Power supply (5V)

1. Connect R1 and R2 in series.
2. Connect the series combination to the power supply (5V).
3. Measure the voltage across R2.

The voltage across R2 is given by:
Vout = Vin * (R2 / (R1 + R2))



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